24/7 Emergency Locksmiths in Caroline Springs
Do you require locksmith services in Caroline Springs area? Key Access Locksmiths service this area.
We have 24hr 7 days a week emergency locksmith in Caroline Springs to help you back in when you have locked yourself out of home or commercial property. Our Caroline springs emergency locksmith can respond within 30mins, sometimes a lot sooner.
Our locksmiths in Caroline springs can also perform a full audit of your house and make recommendations to improve your safety. Caroline springs home invasions have unfortunately become a real concern in recent years. Updated external locks, security doors, CCTV, Alarms, window locks and even patio bolts on sliding doors can and will deter the bad guys. Even fitting locks to your bedroom doors can assist with keeping you safe. Another issue that home owners are not always aware of is the fact that a lot of newer homes are built with hollow external doors especially towards the rear of the house. These doors are easily kicked through in seconds.
Also, probably the most underrated door in a typical house is the Garage to the house door. A lot of times it doesn’t even have a lockable lock on it. A garage door can be a lot easier to gain entry to then a typical door and once this is compromised, it can be easy access to the house.
We perform all locksmith services and more including
– Rekeying locks, houses, commercial properties.
– Supply and install home safes, cash rated safes and gun safes.
– Supply and install all types of digital smart locks.
– Supply and install remote access / home automation style of locks.
– Supply and install Alarms. Wireless Alarms too for double stories or hard to get to areas. Remote access via phone /tablet is also possible.
– Supply / install and maintain traditional locks.
– Supply and fit door closers
– Security / Restricted keys supplied and fitted (Do not copy keys)
– Evictions.
– Locksmith Real estate work.
Please call Key Access Locksmiths for a free no obligation quote